Blog Entry: 03/27/23

ยป Updates & General Life Stuff
by Proxy ๐Ÿงฒ

March 27th, 2023 10:14 pm

Hey everyone, sorry we never really got around to typing up that Stranger Things Season 4 Vol. 2 review thing.
I just hadn't been feeling like typing up all my opinions, and the fact that it started feeling like a chore doesn't help ๐Ÿ˜… and I never really want typing in my personal blog to feel like a chore, you know?

Life has been quite hectic since my last blog post. We moved into a new apartment months ago, and I very recently got on some temporary disability money in, which is great! We even are getting furniture we've been desperately needing since moving this week. Life's really just been us working, both irl and on our site. A few fun times around Xmas of course, and just general existence happening with everyone. Nothing super intense to report to my memory, just moving and getting temp. disability.

BUT! I am excited that we will be going to see Waterparks at the end of April with our significant other and a friend of ours, as well as going to the Homestuck Café~! ๐Ÿ‘€ I've also been reading Homestuck using the Unofficial Homestuck Collection to prep for the latter (I was one of those teens that never finished reading it, and didn't get too far in on my first read back then... forgive me). Maybe we'll do a review of both the concert and the café, but I'm not gonna make any promises because I think the pressure of that alone is what makes posting here feel like a chore, if anything.

So yeah! Let's hope we can type in here more without feeling a whole lot of pressure about it. Maybe I'll figure out how I want to put comments on our site in the meantime. We shall see! ๐Ÿ’œ

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Delirious EP - Fury Weekend

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