Blog Entry: 06/30/2024

» Life Updates (Where's the Parx entry & more)
by Knight đź”´

June 30, 2024, 08:09 pm PST

Hey everyone, it's Knight. Life's been pretty busy since April and Proxy has just been frozen on how to write the Waterparks blog. He can't really figure out a way to summarize it easily. He also doesn't want to give like, a fucking play-by-play of the experience, 'cause that can get boring to read. He also wants to write a blog post about the Starset concert we went to in late April (the Waterparks one was in early April), but can't because he wants to finish the Waterparks one first. You can kind of see how it's gotten backed up and difficult for him, on top of being busy in real life with work and other commitments. We're often physically too tired for parts of our hobbies—especially ones that take a lot more brain energy like blog writing—and it sucks ass :(... That being said, though, I have a few quick updates to share with you all.

First off, last week we began guitar lessons, and have our own guitar. His name is Elliott and we use he/they/it pronouns for it :). He's a Jackson Dinky JS22 in metallic blue! We might share a pic of him here sometime, once we have them in a proper guitar stand. Maybe even make him a little page or something.

We mainly started lessons because Matcha, Eddie, and myself miss playing in a source sense. Luckily, we've found that a lot of others in here like playing as well! So that's fun. So far we've been learning bits and pieces from 90's rock bands, as well as Waterparks songs for my own indulgence. Today we actually had our lessons, and have learned what our instructor called "Spider Exercises" because we mainly with getting our fingers to stretch out for the top of the fret board.

Second, we got proposed to by our partner system,, on thursday! I wasn't really around for it, but it proposed to us in front of the aquarium it'd been saying it'd propose to us at since we were teens... so it was really sweet, at a pride event nonetheless!! No idea when the actual marriage will happen, but it'll probably be next year or something. And be something small with friends and very few family.

Lastly, the site we've been working on together for system information is slooooowly coming together. I'll share the link here for now; it's It's still a HUGE work in progress, so please don't be too harsh on it. We'll probably have it officially linked to this site once it's a little more along in it's creation.

I don't really know how to end this blog post, though. Just know that the blog posts about the concerts ARE coming... We just gotta figure out how to type them in a way that's satisfying. Thanks for reading :)

Current Mood: productive
Current Music: CRAWL (feat. Julien-K) - The Anix

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